Velvet Holy Peony Master Class
Learn how to create a beautiful square cake with Camilo's exclusive techniques, including faux-velvet effect, egg-less buttercream and a realistic peony flower
273 Students
9 Lessons 82.63 minutes
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Audio: English (Subitutulos en Español)
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Velvet Holy Peony Master Class
The most exclusive techniques from By.Aletoso shared directly from my studio to your kitchen
My new EGG-LESS BUTTERCREAM recipe is especially developed to last in hot weather without using eggs. My recipe is made to last longer in room temperature and has a stability superior to the other recipes. The consistency is softer to my previous buttercream, it is very glossy due to the additional ingredients and as a result suffers less condensation when it is kept in low temperatures (freezer) and it also contains less sugar per gram of butter.
Learn the basic steps
Develop a solid foundation about how to build a strong and impeccable canvas for your cakes that not only look perfect, but also are hardy in delivery, no matter the final design.
Faux Velvet Effect
Learn how to create By.Aletoso's luxury signature faux velvet effect from scratch without using chocolate, cocoa, or any sprays. Another perfect look for your cakes, so that they are long-lasting in hot weather.
Wafer Paper Peony with realistic veined leaves
Learn a a fast and effective way to create your wafer paper flowers in less than 20 minutes using By.Aletoso's exclusive technique that does not require a silicone mould.
Make UNIQUE cakes that Stand-Out from the crowd
Learn how to use an airbrush to achieve a range of finishes and looks for you cake in a very short time. Also, learn how to place your floral arrangements to make them look realistic and UNIQUE.
Private Facebook Support Group
Join my private community where you will receive my exclusive support with this design. I will be available to guide all my students through the creation of this cake and answer any questions you have along the way.
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